
FYI: Consumer Goods x Nigeria

Discover consumer and manufacturing opportunities in Nigeria.

Nigeria is the largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa with a population of over 190 million and a GDP of over USD 460 billion. The country climbed 15-places in World Bank Doing Business Index in 2020, mainly due to wide-ranging initiatives by the government. Revenue diversification in non-oil sector will stimulate mid to long-term economic growth.


The Nigerian government is offering incentives for manufacturers to locally source their raw materials. Nigeria’s most important manufacturing industries include beverages, cement, textiles and detergents.

Food Processing

Growing awareness for food safety and dietary quality increases demand for low-carbohydrate, low-fat, and even sugar-free food and beverages in Nigeria.
"The Nigerian government is offering incentives for manufacturers to locally source their raw materials. Nigeria’s most important manufacturing industries include beverages, cement, textiles and detergents."
Stella Ng
Market Advisor for Nigeria

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